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Still figuring myself out...
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If everyone could just wear new clothes every day, I reckon depression wouldn't exist anymore.


Rebecca Bloomwood, Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

Hilarious book quote. Lol.
I read the book again for approximately the whole day (since I woke up -which was around lunch time).

Anyway, this is stored in my cellphone (Drafts folder) a little past midnight:

Another fairytale ending I'll surely indulge in.

Watched Confessions of a Shopaholic on the 'net (I know that's illegal but please don't imprison me..) a while ago a little before the clock struck 12. Romantic comedy, I must say. :)

Luke is gorgeous (geez, I've been boy crazy these past few days -what shame!).

ANYWAY, I didn't picture Rebecca Bloomwood to be that perky and quirky. And I expected Luke to be cleanly shaved. (Lol.) To be honest, I can't remember how loyal the movie was to the original book. It's been more than a year or two since I've read it -and actually, I haven't read any of the sequel to it yet. What? There's been 4 already if I'm not mistaken..

Anyway, I shall read to book SOON -when the memory of the movie's still fresh in my mind (so I can compare and relive the story :p). As for now, ciao!
I enjoyed the movie. ;)

So, as I've mentioned earlier I reread the book and I saw how the movie is completely out of line with the book though if you'd look at both separately, they're both lovely -though I prefer the book (much more details and all). Anyway, I'm dying to read the following books (can't afford it though! Ugh.)


March ends this midnight and April begins soon enough.
Summer days are counting down...


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