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Still figuring myself out...
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The Pierces


"We'd be so less fragile
If we're made from metal
And our hearts from iron
And our minds from steel."

Oh such beautiful lyrics! Don't you agree? I mean, exceptional poetry. :p
I could not find a picture to appropriate enough to suit the song. The one above is the best I could come up with (at least it's the most my inventory of pictures could offer). I ripped it off a tumblr site. Sorry for not giving the proper credits. :o

Tomorrow, will be the last day of quarterly tests (we'll be having Economics and College Algebra -college algebra? WE'RE JUST IN FOURTH YEAR. HASN'T ANYONE GIVEN THAT ANY THOUGHT? Kidding.), and then it would be CIAO FIRST QUARTER!

How will I remember my first quarter when I look back at it?
It's a pool of muddled thoughts and ideas and the confusion of how to allocate my time to all the things I have to accomplish. (Perhaps I am exaggerating just a weeny bit, but I couldn't help it. It feels that way to me.)
When I compare it with last year, I had better time management last year. Time didn't seem so scarce during my junior year. But now that it's my final year in my school.

Time seem so finite nowadays.
A sad reality.

Perhaps these following quarters I'd be able to fair better? Hopefully.
My hopes are high.

"Nothing thrills us anymore."
Boring - The Pierces


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